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Showing posts with label Safe Haven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Safe Haven. Show all posts

Aug 19, 2024

Safe Haven by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA #song #lyrics #poems

 Safe Haven

Your hate they can feel

Goes way deep inside

And they can’t shake the feeling

That they’re going to die

The children are marching

Their Journey through Hell

Your hate hits their cheeks

And they die where they fell

Toy soldiers are melting

Dolls’ faces are breaking

This world that you’re making

Keeps taking and taking

Little pink hearts

Keep beating and beating

For love and safe haven

They’re waiting and waiting

Little girl singers

Little boy drummers

Your stealing their winters

Erasing their summers

Under the rubble

Of your toxic hate

The blood of the babies

Seeps under the gate

The gate of a home

Once filled with love

Where angels come down

To take them above

A place filled with doves

that you’ll never dwell

Cos all the warmongers

Are Going to Hell

© 2024 Sarnia de la Mare