Suzuki Piano

Suzuki School for Strings and Piano 

Exploring the Suzuki Piano Method with Ms. Sarnia de la Maré FRSA at the Tale Teller Club Academy of Arts


The world of music education is a vast and diverse landscape, with numerous approaches and methods designed to help individuals learn to play musical instruments. One such method that has gained prominence over the years is the Suzuki Piano Method. In this blog, we delve into the fascinating world of Suzuki piano education, as taught by the accomplished Ms. Sarnia de la Maré FRSA at the Tale Teller Club Academy of Arts.

Meet Ms. Sarnia de la Maré FRSA

Before we explore the Suzuki Piano Method, it's essential to introduce the dedicated and talented teacher behind this unique approach at the Tale Teller Club Academy of Arts. Ms. Sarnia de la Maré, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), is a highly regarded pianist and music educator. With a wealth of experience and a passion for nurturing young musicians, she has made a significant impact in the world of piano instruction.

Suzuki Piano Method: A Brief Overview

The Suzuki Piano Method, developed by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, is a teaching philosophy that takes inspiration from language acquisition. Dr. Suzuki believed that every child has the potential to become a proficient musician if provided with a nurturing and supportive environment. This method focuses on developing a child's musical ability through the "Mother Tongue" approach. In other words, just as a child learns to speak their native language through listening and repetition, they can learn to play an instrument by listening to and imitating music.

Ms. Sarnia de la Maré's Approach

Ms. Sarnia de la Maré has masterfully incorporated the Suzuki Piano Method into her teaching at the Tale Teller Club Academy of Arts. Her approach revolves around several key principles:

  1. Early Start: Ms. de la Maré believes that children can begin learning the piano at a very young age, as early as three or four years old. This aligns with Dr. Suzuki's emphasis on starting early to develop a strong musical foundation.

  2. Parental Involvement: Parents play a vital role in the Suzuki Method, as they are actively involved in their child's musical journey. They attend lessons, take notes, and become their child's "home teacher" to provide support and practice guidance.

  3. Listening and Repetition: Students in Ms. Sarnia de la Maré's classes are exposed to a rich musical environment. They listen to recordings of pieces they will learn, which helps them develop a strong sense of pitch, rhythm, and phrasing.

  4. Gradual Progress: In the Suzuki Method, students progress through a carefully designed curriculum, moving from simple pieces to more complex ones as they develop their skills. Ms. de la Maré ensures that each student advances at their own pace, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Benefits of the Suzuki Piano Method

The Suzuki Piano Method offers numerous advantages for students and their families:

  1. Musical Fluency: By learning to play by ear and through constant repetition, students develop a deep understanding of music and a strong sense of musicality.

  2. Self-Confidence: The Suzuki Method encourages students to take pride in their accomplishments, which can boost their self-esteem and confidence.

  3. Parent-Child Bonding: The active involvement of parents in the learning process fosters a strong parent-child bond and creates a supportive family environment.

  4. Lifelong Love for Music: The Suzuki Method instils a lifelong passion for music and learning, providing students with a solid foundation for their musical journey.


The Suzuki Piano Method, as taught by the accomplished Ms. Sarnia de la Maré FRSA at the Tale Teller Club Academy of Arts, offers a unique and effective approach to piano education. It not only equips students with exceptional piano-playing skills but also nurtures their personal growth and a deep love for music. Through the dedication of educators like Ms. de la Maré, young musicians can embark on a remarkable journey of musical discovery that will last a lifetime.

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